niedziela, 24 sierpnia 2008


Znakiem, że koncert się rozpoczyna jest...mrok. Gasną wszystkie światła i ekrany, w tym dwa olbrzymie, krystaliczne M ustawione po bokach sceny. Jakby nieśmiało i cicho rozpoczyna się intro - mroczna muzyka, smyczki i nagromadzenie niezidentyfikowanych kształtów na ekranach. Napięcie rośnie, można usłyszeć fragmenty 4 Minutes i Beat Goes On, a za chwilę słychać tylko rytmiczne tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...To znak, że rozpoczęcie show jest już blisko - muzyka płynnie przechodzi w C-A-N-D-Y i oczom widzom ukazuje się Królowa Popu - rzecz jasna tam gdzie jej miejsce czyli na tronie - w oszałamiającej kreacji od Givenchego, śpiewająca Candy Shop. Występ praktycznie nie różni się od tego, który mieliśmy okazję podziwiać przy okazji Hard Candy Promo Tour, ale nowy kostium, nowa fryzura i większa liczba tancerzy na scenie sprawia, że wszystko ma większy rozmach. Pod koniec Candy Shop, i tak kuso już ubrana, Madonna ściąga niemal ostatnie części garderoby, a rzeczą, która najwięcej zakrywa są...sięgające do kolan czarne szpilki. To znak, że czas się zabawić - Beat Goes On jest drugie w kolejce. Tutaj piosenkarka wciela się w rolę alfonsa, który zabawia się tanecznie ze swoją wesołą gromadką. Na scenie pojawia się oldschoolowy, elegancki pimp-car, do którego wszyscy ochoczo wsiadają i tam kontynuują szalony i seksowny taniec. Pharrell, ubrany w gustowny garniturek, pojawia się co chwila na ekranach i zachęca wszystkich So get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta your seat, a tego publiczności nie trzeba powtarzać dwa razy, więc na trybunach euforia. Czas jednak na chwilę przystopować - Madonna zakłada biały kapelusz i udaje się na koniec wybiegu, gdzie czeka na nią już jej gitara. Teraz przyszedł moment, na który wielu czekało, mianowicie gitarowe wykonanie Human Nature i Britney Spears na ekranach w video wyreżyserowanym przez Kleina. I mistrz Steven nie zawiódł - miotającą się po windzie Britney stanowi doskonałe tło dla słów I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me!, a sama Madonna po raz kolejny pokazuje, jak odświeża się stare hity. To samo można rzecz już parę minut później, choć na początku na publice panuje konsternacja - słychać bowiem pierwsze takty 4 Minutes, tick-tocki, Justina śpiewającego Madonna, Madonna, Madonna.... Na domiar tego wszystkiego rozpoczynają się pierwsze takty Give It To Me Timbalanda. Co jest?! słychać niezwykle często. Alę kilkadziesiąt sekund później wszystko było już jasne - to nowa wersja Vogue! Okraszona genialnym układem tanecznym, w którym Królowa Popu pokazuje, że mimo 50-tki na karku, wciąż potrafi zatańczyć jak za dawnych czasów! I tym fenomenalnym występem kończy się pierwsza sekcja koncertu, a na fanów czeka nie lada niespodzianka - oto bowiem rozpoczyna się video interlude z Die Another Day, gdzie widzimy M-Dollę miotającą się na ringu i walczącą, jak nigdy dotąd! Na scenie pojawia się dwóch tancerzy w strojach bokserskich i oni również toczą ze sobą efektowny pojedynek. Na czyją korzyść rozstrzygnięty, o tym przekonacie się już na koncercie!Czas na zabawę! Z głośników wydobywa się zachęcające c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!, a chwilę potem dobrze już znane (i kochane) yeah, step to the beat, step to the beat..., jednym słowem - Into The Groove. Madonna pojawia się na scenie obok DJ'a z kryształowymi słuchawkami i pokazuje widzom frywolny rurze. Tak, tak, to sekcja old school, więc wracamy do korzeni. Na ekranach mnóstwo kolorowych, kreskówkowych wizualizacji i napisów, a na scenie party trwa w najlepsze! W pewnym momencie Madonna podchodzi do rogu sceny i zachęca fanów, aby śpiewali razem z nią jeden z jej największych hitów. Oczywiście odzew był momentalny! Królowa pokazała również, że umiejętności takich, jak skakanie na skakance nie zapomina się nigdy, nawet po, ośmielę się użyć tego określenia, kilkudziesięciu latach! Jednak i ona przekonuje się, że wiek już nie ten, bowiem upada z wycieńczenia na scenę i na ekranie możemy obserwować jej puls, dość słaby. Stara zaraz nam padnie!Duh, rzekłaby sama zainteresowana. Z pulsem wszystko już okej, a rytm bicia jej serca stanowi tło do kolejnego utworu - Heartbeat. Choreografia nie jest już tak porywająca, ale doskonale zgrana z beatem piosenki. Dopiero, gdy wyśpiewuje ostatnie słowa i można odstawić już od ust mikrofon, Madonna zaczyna swój taneczny popis, a w tle możemy usłyszeć kapitalne rockowe outro, które świetnie zwieńcza utwór z nowej płyty. Fani jednak wciąż zgłaszają apetyt, aby usłyszeć jakiś stary przebój. If you want it, you already got it! - Madonna bierze swoją rockowę gitarę i po raz pierwszy od ponad 20 lat śpiewa Borderline, tym razem w niesamowitej, rockowej wersji! Fani są wniebowzięci, ale przed nimi She's Not Me - w konwencji, którą skądś już znamy...Na myśl przychodzi Material Girl z Blond Ambition Tour. Madonna w zabawny i kabaretowy sposób śpiewa utwór z Hard Candy, a na scenie możemy podziwiać cztery tancerki, które przebraną są za jej najbardziej ikoniczne wcielenia. Chwilę zagapienia i...widzimy triumfującą Madonnę z peruką tancerki, która wcieliła się właśnie w Blond Ambicję z przełomu lat osiemdziesiątych i dziewięćdziesiątych. Auć, te spiczaste staniki chyba naprawdę wzbudzają w niej złe wspomnienia. Dlatego nie zwlekała długo, aby przenieść się w nieco lepsze czasy - Music. Kolejny pokaz świetnej choreografii i zabawy - cały stadion zamienił się w jedną, wielką imprezę.Madonna znika ze sceny w kolejce metra, a fani odczuwają niepokój, gdyż słychać zbliżający się deszcz...Shit, not this time, please! można usłyszeć. Na szczęście jednak tego wieczoru z nieba nie spadła ani kropla deszczu, ten padał bowiem na ekranach - Rain. Znakomity remix z hitem Eurythmics to idealne wprowadzenie do nastrojowego i mrocznego Devil Wouldn't Recognize You. Madonna pojawia się na końcu wybiegu w klatce, odziana w ciemny płaszcz. Wykonuje delikatne, zmysłowe ruchy wraz z dwójką tancerzy. Niedługo potem możemy podziwiać ją wijącą się na pianinie, gdzie zdejmuje z siebie płaszcz i naszym oczom ukazuje się piękna zwiewna sukienka i mnóstwo różowych krucyfiksów jako biżuteria. Czas więc na Spanish Lesson. Umówmy się, że po takiej lekcji ostatnią rzeczą, którą byśmy potrafili byłoby mówienie po hiszpańsku, ale to przecież mało ważne, bo najważniejsza jest zabawa. A tego u Madonny nigdy nie brakuje, również w tym kawałku. Jednak jak sama powiedziała w I'm Going To Tell You A Secret, sometimes fun is overrated, więc musi też przyjść pora na refleksję. Królowa ponownie dzierży w rękach swoją gitarę i wyśpiewuje miłosną odę do swojego męża, Miles Away. W pewnym momencie klaszcze z nią cały stadion, śpiewającym przy tym You always love me more...miles away, obrazek wart uwiecznienia. A skoro daleko stąd to bardzo szybko Madonna przenosi się na piękną wyspę, znaną wszystkim La Isla Bonita. W cygańskiej wersji, z instrumentami i trupą tancerzy, jesteśmy świadkami kapitalnego show i kolejnej kulturowej inspiracji w jej twórczości. Madonna znika ze sceny, publiczność napawa się pięknymi dźwiękami wiolonczeli, aby za chwilę ponownie ujrzeć swoją idolkę, która w niezwykle podnośnej i wzruszającej wersji śpiewa You Must Love Me, a na ekranach pojawiają się obrazy z Evity.Get stupid, get stupid, get stupid zachęca Nas Królowa. Na jakim punkcie mamy oszaleć? Na punkcie ratowania świata rzecz jasna. Polityczna wizualizacja, niczym Sorry Remix na Confessions Tour, nadaje nieco bardziej poważnego tonu i nakłania do działania. Wszak za chwilę ogłosi, iż mamy tylko cztery minuty, aby ocalić świat! Pierwsze takty 4 Minutes i euforia wśród publiczności. Timbaland wprowadza wszystkich w utwór, aby za chwilę na scenie pojawiła się Madonna, w stroju, którego nie powstydziłby się żaden z wojowników serii Tekken albo Dead Or Alive. Justin towarzyszy wprawdzie tylko na ekranach, ale ponoć złudzenie sprawia, iż wydawać by się mogło, że to Timberlake we własnej osobie porusza swoim seksownym tyłeczkiem, tuż obok nie mniej apetycznego zwieńczenia kręgosłupa Madonny, tym razem całkowicie zakrytego, co stanowi nie lada odmianę na tym koncercie. Końca świata jednak nie było, więc trzeba za to podziękować modlitwą Najwyższemu - Like A Prayer. Nowa, energetyczna, taneczna wersja jednego z największych hitów piosenkarki wprawia w ruch każdego pojedyńczego widza na stadionie. A to dopiero początek mini-serii Greatest Hits. Rockowa gitara ponownie zostaje zatrudniona, tym razem do Ray of Light i Hung Up - publiczność szaleje, a ostre gitarowe brzmienia zadziwiająco pasują do obu utworów. Warto nadmienić, że w Hung Up nie uświadczymy ani sekundy sampla ABBY. Czas na efektowne zakończenie - Give It 2 Me. W świetnej choreografii, dobrze znanej z promo tour, Madonna i towarzyszących jej dziesięciu tancerzy daje energetyczny i wspaniały popis sprawności fizycznej, a ostatni singiel Królowej Popu wzbudza również pozytywną reakcję wśród publiczności. Na tyle pozytywną, że kiedy Madonna prosi fanów o śpiewanie z nią, cały stadion wrzeszczy Give It To Me, yeah!. To już koniec zabawy, na ekranie wyświetla się Game Over. Ale na pewno nikt tu nie przegrał - ani Madonna, która dała kapitalne show, ani widzowie, którzy obejrzeli znakomite show. słychać z publiki. Czy aby na pewno?+++++++++++++++++++++++

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MADONNA-STICKY & SWEET TOUR- OPENING SHOW-FIRST LOOK ! FIRST PHOTO!
Madonna premieres her Sticky and Sweet stage show at Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium tonight. WalesOnline will be there as the Queen of Pop unveils her world tour to an expectant worldwide audience for the very first time.

We’ll be out and about in Cardiff shooting pictures and video, talking to those dedicated fans who are first in the queue eager to get the best positions stage front and soaking up the atmosphere as the Millennium Stadium eagerly awaits Madonna’s arrival.

We’ll also be the first to bring you pictures of what is expected to be a hugely extravagant stage show and our lucky journalists who managed to get a ticket will be blogging live from the event.

They’ll be setting the scene, adding a little pre-concert colour and as Madonna takes to the stage will be keeping you informed as to just what designer outfits she is wearing, what outrageously extravagant set she’s constructed and which of those many classic hits have made it into her set,

You can join in the Sweet and Sticky fun with our team by taking part in our live blog. The live blog launches at 6pm, so come back then for all the latest news, pics and our concert live blog as WalesOnline goes Madonna mad.

czwartek, 21 sierpnia 2008


» 2004

* Jan (5) A public enquiry is ordered to settle a dispute between Madonna and ramblers seeking access on the property of her 1,200-acre Wiltshire estate; a spokesman for the Planning Inspectorate says the enquiry is ordered but no date is confirmed yet.
* (7) Madonna contributes a letter to her website urging people to follow her in supporting Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark.
* (8) Madonna sends a message live by via satellite to The Kabbalah Centre�s Spirituality For Kids ceremony in Tel Aviv, Israel.
* (13) Madonna/Britney Spears are #2 on Mr. Blackwell�s 44th annual list of the worst-dressed women of 2003.
* (16) Madonna attends Kate Moss� 30th birthday party at Claridge�s Hotel in London, England.
* (24) Madonna is presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by Britney Spears to commemorate her 20-year hits-filled career at the 5th annual NRJ Music Awards at the 38th MIDEM Music Conference at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France.
* Feb (7) �Nothing Fails (Remixes)� hits #1 on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US.


» 2003

* Jan (13) Madonna wins the Michael Jackson International Artist Of The Year Award at the 30th annual American Music Awards at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA.
* (25) Madonna and Lourdes attend a memorial service for late photographer Herb Ritts (who died on December 26, 2002) in Los Angeles, CA.
* Feb (3) Madonna begins filming �American Life� video at Los Angeles Center Studios, Los Angeles, CA, directed by Jonas Akerlund.
* (4) Madonna wins Theatre Event Of The Year for the West End play Up For Grabs voted by theatregoers on the online 3rd annual Theatregoers Choice Awards.
* (5) Madonna announces from Los Angeles, CA that she plans to file an official complaint with the Press Complaints Commission in UK over inaccurate reports by Heat magazine that she is pregnant.
* (9) Kerri Yascheshyn, 17, of Windsor, ON, Canada dies of liver cancer: Madonna and Kerri formed a friendship via telephone calls organized by the Children�s Wish Foundation; Madonna spoke to Kerri on a daily basis and encouraged her to pray and be positive.
* (10) In US, reports confirm that �American Life� video is controversial due to its anti-war theme with Madonna dressed in military uniform.
* (11) Swept Away is released on home video and DVD.
* (14) Madonna releases a statement on her website in response to inaccurate reports that �American Life� video carries a strong anti-war message and she also explains that it should not be interpreted as critical of her homeland or President Bush.
* Mar (3) Madonna signs a book deal with Callaway Editions to publish a series of 5 illustrated children�s storybooks; the first book she has written is titled The English Roses which will be published and released worldwide in September 2003.
* (4) Blue In The Face (1995) is released on DVD.
* (14) Madonna signs a comprehensive deal with Creative Artists Agency (CAA) for all aspects of her career in music, film, TV and books.
* (18) Madonna tapes a guest starring appearance for an episode of NBC-TV�s Will & Grace titled �Dolls & Dolls� (starring Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Megan Mullally and Sean Hayes, directed by James Burrows) at CBS Studio Center, Studio City, CA.
* (21) A statement is released by publicist Liz Rosenberg that Madonna is re-editing �American Life� video in respect to current war events in Iraq and explains there will be some minor alterations but she�s not re-doing the whole video.
* (22) Madonna wins 3 Razzie Awards for Worst Actress (Swept Away), Worst Supporting Actress (Die Another Day) and Worst Screen Couple with Adriano Giannini (Swept Away) at the 23rd annual Golden Raspberry Awards at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Santa Monica, CA.
* (24) �American Life� is released as a Digital Single only in US via the internet and includes a special audio message by Madonna.
* (28) Madonna is interviewed on CBS-TV�s Entertainment Tonight, NBC-TV�s Access Hollywood and Extra.
* (31) In Germany, �American Life� video world premieres on VIVA music channel.
* Apr (1) Madonna announces on her official website that she has cancelled the release of �American Life� video because of its military imagery and out of respect to armed forces fighting war in Iraq: �I have decided not to release my new video. It was filmed before the war started and I do not believe it is appropriate to air it at this time. Due to the volatile state of the world and out of sensitivity and respect to the armed forces, who I support and pray for, I do not want to risk offending anyone who might misinterpret the meaning of this video�.
* (5) �American Life� debuts at #90 on Hot 100 Singles chart in US and is the lowest entry for a debut single from a new Madonna album.
* (7) In Australia, Madonna is featured in TV interviews on The Today Show and Channel 9 Madonna Special.
* (8) �American Life� single is released in US and Canada.
* (10) Madonna announces she has filmed a new performance-only version of �American Life� video will be released on TV on April 16.
* (14) �American Life� single is released in Europe.
* (16) Madonna Speaks special (hosted by Megan Mullally) and �American Life� video (edited version) premieres on VH1.
* (19) �American Life� hits #1 for 2 weeks on the Canadian Singles chart.
* (20) �American Life� hits UK #2.
* (21) American Life CD is released in Europe.
* (22) American Life CD is released in US and Canada. Madonna performs �American Life�, �Hollywood�, �Nothing Fails� and �Like A Prayer� on 60-minute MTV special Madonna: On Stage & On The Record taped at the MTV Studios in Times Square, New York, NY.
* (23) In New York, Madonna makes a special in-store performance and record signing at Tower Records in Greenwich Village and also attends a party with Guy at the Paramount Bar to celebrate the release of American Life CD.
* (24) Madonna guest stars on NBC-TV�s Will & Grace. Madonna and Guy attend a launch party for the book 72 Names Of God by Rabbi Yehuda Berg at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY.
* (25) Madonna guests on NBC-TV�s Live With Regis & Kelly. Madonna is #4 with 227 million pounds on the UK Sunday Times annual list of the richest musical artists in England. Madonna is voted The Greatest Video Star Of MTV in an internet poll at based on her innovation, creativity and contribution to video as an art form.
* (26) �American Life� hits US #37.
* (27) American Life hits UK #1 and is her eighth #1 album in UK. In US, American Life has sold 241,000 copies in its first week.
* (29) �American Life� maxi-single is released. Madonna is interviewed by Matt Lauer on Madonna: An American Life - A Dateline Special on NBC-TV�s Dateline. Madonna visits Cologne, Germany to tape a performance and interview on RTL�s Absolut Madonna TV special.
* May (1) Madonna is interviewed and performs �American Life�, �Hollywood� and �Don�t Tell Me� on BBC-1-TV�s Tonight With Jonathan Ross at the BBC Television Centre in London, England.
* (2) Madonna is interviewed and performs �American Life� and �Hollywood� on ITV1�s CD: UK show in London, England.
* (3) American Life debuts at #1 in 14 countries such as: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Europe (overall), France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK and US. Madonna guests and performs �American Life�, �Hollywood� and �Music� on RTL channel�s Absolut Madonna TV special in Cologne, Germany.
* (4) Madonna is interviewed by VJ Charlotte Roche on VIVA Germany (taped on April 29 in Cologne, Germany).
* (6) Madonna tapes an interview and performances of �American Life�, �Hollywood� and �Music� for La Chanson No. 1 - Madonna Special TV show tribute at the studio of La Plaine St-Denis in Paris, France.
* (7) Madonna performs a mini-concert for 200 invited guests at La Cantine du Faubourg restaurant in Paris, France.
* (8) �Die Another Day� wins Soundtrack Video Of The Year at the 12th annual Music Video Production Association (MVPA) Awards at the Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, CA.
* (9) Madonna performs a 7-song mini-concert before 500 fans at HMV Oxford Circus record store in London, England.
* (10) American Life hits US #1.
* (12) Madonna is interviewed by Jo Whiley on BBC Radio 1 in London, England.
* (15) Madonna performs �Hollywood� on BBC1-TV�s Top Of The Pops in London, England and is also guest of honor at the opening of Stella McCartney�s London clothes store on Bruton Street.
* (17) �American Life (Remixes)� hits #1 on Hot Dance Music/Maxi-Singles Sales chart in US. �American Life� video hits #4 on VH1.
* (20) Madonna is interviewed by DJ Vicky Pitchers (pre-taped at the Dorchester Hotel, London) on Forth One radio in Edinburgh, Scotland.
* (30) Callaway Editions announces that Madonna will make publishing history as her children�s book The English Roses will be released simultaneously worldwide in 30 languages in 100 countries.
* (31) �American Life (Remixes)� hits #1 on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US.
* Jun (2) Madonna begins filming �Hollywood� video in Los Angeles, CA, directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino.
* (3) Die Another Day is released on home video and DVD (includes �Die Another Day� video and making-of video documentary).
* (8) Madonna performs �American Life�, �Hollywood� and �Music� on French TV show tribute Chanson No. 1 (taped on May 6 in Paris, France).
* (11) VH1: 100 Greatest Songs Of The Past 25 Years list includes �Like A Virgin� at #10 and �Ray Of Light� at #100.
* (18) Madonna is named The Greatest Fashion Trendsetter Of The World by Elle magazine in Munich, Germany.
* (19) Madonna participates in radio interviews with WHYI and WPYM (Miami), WSTR (Atlanta), KLLC (San Francisco) and KIIS (Los Angeles).
* (23) �Hollywood� video premieres on VH1.
* (24) �Hollywood� video premieres online at Madonna and rapper Missy Elliott begin filming a TV commercial and print ads for Gap clothing stores campaign in Los Angeles, CA, directed by Paul Hunter.
* (27) �Hollywood� video premieres on MTV.
* Jul (1) Madonna is #1 in a special edition of Women In Rock magazine�s list of �50 Women Who Rocked The World�. Madonna and Guy win a privacy battle to keep their estate private and not be classified as open countryside under the Right to Roam legislation in UK.
* (7) American Life is certified 1x platinum (1 million units). �Hollywood� single is released in Europe.
* (8) �Hollywood� single is released in US.
* (13) Madonna makes a video appearance to honor and roast Carson Daly on MTV special MTV Bash. �Hollywood� hits UK #2.
* (15) �Hollywood� single is released in Canada.
* (16) Gap Inc. announces a $10 million contract with Madonna to star in TV commercials and print ads for Gap clothing store�s fall campaign.
* (19) �Hollywood� video hits #5 on VH1 and #14 on MTV.
* (21) Madonna is voted #7 on VH1�s list of �200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons�.
* (22) Shanghai Surprise (1986) is released on DVD.
* (26) �Hollywood (Remixes)� hits #1 for six weeks on Hot Dance Singles Sales chart in US: Madonna sets a new record as it is her 22nd No. 1 and sixth consecutive No. 1 hit on this chart, besting two previous records of five consecutive No. 1 hits from 1987-1990 and 1991-1993. (�Hollywood� is the first commercial single by Madonna since 1983 that fails to enter Hot 100 Singles chart in US due to lack of radio airplay).
* (28) Madonna and Missy Elliott�s Gap commercial titled �A New Groove, A New Jean� world premieres on VH1.
* (30) �A New Groove, A New Jean� Gap commercial premieres on all TV stations in US and Canada.
* Aug (2) �Hollywood� hits #5 on Canadian Singles chart.
* (9) American Life drops off the albums chart in US after only 14 weeks and is the shortest-living album by Madonna on the Billboard 200.
* (12) Madonna is honored with Greatest Female Singer Of The Video Age award by VH1 (based on a viewer�s poll).
* (16) The Immaculate Collection (1990) celebrates its 400th cumulative week on the Billboard 200 and Top Pop Catalog Albums charts in US.
* (23) �Hollywood (Remixes)� hits #1 on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US: it is her 30th No. 1 single on the dance charts.
* (28) Madonna performs �Hollywood� with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at the opening of the 20th annual MTV Video Music Awards at Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY and upstages everyone at the ceremony when she shares a passionate open-mouth kiss with them.
* (30) Madonna and Guy attend the wedding of Stella McCartney and Alasdhair Willis at Mount Stuart on the Isle of Bute, Scotland.
* Sep (1) In Atlanta, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper apologizes to its readers for printing a picture of Madonna and Britney Spears in an open-mouth kiss at the MTV Video Music Awards on its front cover following several complaints.
* (3) Madonna releases a special audio message for shoppers on to promote her children�s book The English Roses.
* (8) Madonna tapes an interview with Oprah Winfrey for The Oprah Winfrey Show at Harpo Studios in Chicago, IL.
* (13) Madonna gives an invitation-only reading of The English Roses to family and friends at her estate in London, England.
* (14) Madonna hosts an English tea-party to celebrate the launch of The English Roses at Kensington Roof Gardens in London, England.
* (15) The English Roses, a 48-page children�s book written by Madonna and illustrated by Jeffrey Fulvimari, is released in 100 countries and in 30 languages. Madonna attends a press conference at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, France to promote The English Roses.
* (16) Madonna guests on ABC-TV�s The Oprah Winfrey Show (taped on September 8).
* (17) The English Roses hits #2 on�s bestseller list. Britney Spears� record label Jive Records announces that Madonna will be featured on Britney�s new single �Me Against The Music�.
* (20) The English Roses hits #2 on UK BookScan�s best-selling children�s books behind JK Rowling�s Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix.
* (21) The English Roses has sold 57,369 US copies in its first week of release and is the 5th overall best-selling book in the country.
* (24) The English Roses hits #1 on (Barnes & Noble�s online bookstore).
* (25) The English Roses becomes the fastest-selling children�s picture book of all time: it has sold more than 10,000 copies in UK in its first week of release. In US, The English Roses hits #7 on USA Today newspaper�s Top 150 best-selling books list.
* (26) A lawsuit is filed against Madonna in US District Court in Manhattan, NY for copyright infringement and unspecified damages by Samuel Bourdin, the son of late French photographer Guy Bourdin, who accuses her of copying images of his father�s work for her video �Hollywood�. In UK, a special collector�s edition of Q magazine which celebrates Madonna�s 20-year career is released.
* (27) Madonna attends a ceremony to celebrate the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York, NY.
* (29) Madonna visits Barnes & Noble bookstore at Rockefeller Center in New York, NY to read and sign copies of The English Roses and she is also presented with the inaugural Dave Hoghe Award in honor of her artistic courage and outstanding dedication to the LAByrinth Theater Company at a Celebrity Charades benefit gala at the Daryl Roth Theater, New York, NY.
* Oct (1) Madonna is interviewed by Diane Sawyer on ABC-TV�s Good Morning America (taped on September 29).
* (5) The English Roses hits #1 on The New York Times best-seller list for children�s picture books.
* (6) �Me Against The Music� (Britney Spears featuring Madonna) premieres on
* (8) Madonna and Britney Spears begin filming �Me Against The Music� video at Silvercup Studios East, Queens, NY, directed by Paul Hunter.
* (9) The English Roses has sold more than 500,000 copies worldwide.
* (12) The English Roses is #1 for a second week on The New York Times best-seller list for children�s picture books.
* (15) �Nobody Knows Me� single (remixes by Peter Rauhofer, Above & Beyond and Mount Sims) is released only to dance clubs in US.
* (19) The English Roses is #1 for a third week on The New York Times best-seller list for children�s picture books.
* (21) �Me Against The Music� (Britney Spears featuring Madonna) video premieres on MTV.
* (23) Madonna contributes a videotaped message in Spanish to celebrate the 10th anniversary of MTV Latin at the 2nd annual MTV Video Music Awards Latin America held at the Jackie Gleason Theater, Miami Beach, FL.
* (25) �Me Against The Music� debuts at #50 on Hot 100 Singles chart in US: it is Madonna�s 50th entry on the Hot 100 and also comes 20 years to the week she made her first appearance on the chart with �Holiday� (October 29, 1983).
* (26) The English Roses is #1 for a fourth week on The New York Times best-seller list for children�s picture books.
* (27) �Nothing Fails� single is released to radio stations in US.
* (28) Madonna films �Love Profusion� video (for European-only release) in New York, NY, directed by Luc Besson.
* (30) Madonna is interviewed by Pat O�Brien on CBS-TV�s Access Hollywood.
* Nov (2) The English Roses is #1 for a fifth week on The New York Times best-seller list for children�s picture books. In UK, Madonna is the #1 top-earning female in the music industry with Ł15m on The Sunday Times Rich List 2003.
* (10) Madonna releases her second children�s book: Mr. Peabody�s Apples, a 32-page hardcover illustrated by Loren Long is released in 37 languages and more than 110 countries. �Me Against The Music� single is released.
* (11) Madonna guests on ABC-TV�s Live With Regis & Kelly and CBS-TV�s Late Show With David Letterman; she also reads Mr. Peabody�s Apples to a group of children from 4th to 8th graders at Montclair Kimberley Academy in Montclair, NJ.
* (12) Madonna and merchandising company Signatures Network announce a deal to develop dolls, apparel, accessories, cosmetics, stationery, room decor and back-to-school products based on The English Roses book for ages 7 to 12. Madonna attends the final preview performance of Broadway musical Taboo (produced by Rosie O�Donnell and starring Boy George) at the Plymouth Theatre, New York, NY.
* (13) Madonna guests on MTV TRL�s �Spankin� New Music Week� at the MTV Studios in Times Square, New York, NY.
* (15) Madonna is voted the Greatest Female Pop Culture Icon on the list of �100 Greatest Pop Culture Icons� in a poll conducted by VH1. �Me Against The Music� video hits #3 on MTV.
* (16) Madonna wins the Michael Jackson International Artist Of The Year Award at the 31st annual American Music Awards at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA. The English Roses returns to #1 for a sixth week on The New York Times best-seller list for children�s picture books. �Me Against The Music� hits UK #2.
* (19) Madonna telephones into CNN-TV�s Larry King Live to wish Larry King a happy 70th birthday. A new wax figure model of Madonna is unveiled at Madame Tussaud�s Museum in New York, NY.
* (25) Remixed & Revisited, a seven-song EP (which includes remixes of songs from American Life CD) is released.
* (26) Madonna guests on NBC-TV�s The Tonight Show (with host Jay Leno) at NBC Studios, Burbank, CA.
* (29) �Me Against The Music� hits US #35.
* (30) Mr. Peabody�s Apples hits #1 and The English Roses is #3 on The New York Times best-seller list for children�s picture books. In UK, Remixed & Revisited EP hits #1 on Top 40 Dance Albums chart.
* Dec (4) �Love Profusion� video world premieres on MTV Germany in Europe.
* (8) �Love Profusion� is released as a UK single.
* (9) �Nothing Fails� maxi-single (featuring remixes of �Nobody Knows Me�) is released in US. Madonna reads Mr. Peabody�s Apples to a group of 30 students from the Community Magnet School at Border�s Bookstore in Westwood, CA.
* (13) Remixed & Revisited EP hits #115 on the Billboard 200 Albums chart in US. �Nobody Knows Me (P. Rauhofer, Above & Beyond, Mount Sims Mixes)� hits #4 on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US.
* (14) �Love Profusion� hits #11 in UK.
* (16) Madonna announces she is endorsing Democratic candidate Wesley Clark for the Nov 2004 presidential election.
* (20) Madonna has three titles on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US: �Me Against The Music�, �Nobody Knows Me� and �Nothing Fails�: she is the second artist in 18 years to achieve 3 simultaneous entries on this chart (previously achieved by Bronski Beat in 1985).
* (27) �Nothing Fails/Nobody Knows Me� hits #1 and �Me Against The Music� is #2 on Hot Dance Singles Sales chart in US: it is the first time an artist occupies the top 2 positions on this chart since Puff Daddy in 1997. �Me Against The Music� hits #1 for 2 weeks on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US. Madonna is #1 Hot Dance Singles Sales Artist and �Die Another Day (Remixes)� is #1 Hot Dance Singles Sales in Billboard magazine�s The Year In Music survey of 2003.


» 2002

* Jan (9) In Singapore, �Madonna: Drowned World Tour 2001� concert DVD is banned from release because it is deemed too explicit.
* (19) Madonna attends Donatella Versace�s haute couture fashion show at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France.
* (21) Madonna is named the second best-selling artist in Europe with 17 Platinum Europe Awards for 5 albums by the International Federation Of The Phonographic Industry (IFPI) at the 36th annual MIDEM Music Conference in Cannes, France.
* (29) Madonna attends the opening of photographer Mario Testino�s exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London, England.
* Feb (9) �GHV2 Megamix� hits #5 on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US.
* (12) �Madonna: Drowned World Tour 2001� is named Best Music DVD at the 1st annual UK DVD Awards in England.
* (20) Madonna attends a Michelle Branch concert at Irving Plaza, New York, NY.
* (21) �Madonna: Drowned World Tour 2001� video is certified 1x platinum (100,000 units).
* (28) Madonna announces she will make her West End stage debut in David Williamson�s play Up For Grabs which will open on May 23, 2002 at Wyndhams Theatre in London, England and will have a 10-week run: it is her first stage role in 14 years since Speed-The-Plow (1988).
* Mar (1) �Blond Ambition World Tour 1990� is featured in Q magazine�s list of �The 10 Tours That Changed Music�.
* (13) Madonna and Guy attend the opening night of play Jesus Hopped The A-Train at the Donmar Theatre in London, England.
* (15) Madonna is signed to record the theme song for 20th James Bond film Die Another Day.
* (20) Madonna announces she has cancelled all matinee performances of Up For Grabs due to unforeseen daytime recording commitments.
* (25) Madonna wins Best Dance Artist - Solo at the 17th annual International Dance Music Awards in Miami Beach, FL.
* Apr (1) Madonna is #6 on the list of �Top 100 Rock & Rollers Of All Time� in LIFE magazine�s Rock And Roll At 50 special edition issue.
* (2) Dick Tracy (1990) is released on DVD.
* (7) Madonna and Guy Ritchie are #4 on The UK Sunday Times list of Britain�s richest people of the year 2002.
* (8) Madonna begins rehearsals for David Williamson�s play Up For Grabs at Sadlers Wells in London, England, co-starring Megan Dodds, Tom Irwin, Michael Lerner, Daniel Pino, Sian Thomas and Debora Weston, directed by Laurence Boswell.
* (11) Rolling Stone: 50 Coolest Albums Of All Time includes You Can Dance at #50.
* (13) A controversial nude portrait of Madonna by contemporary artist Peter Howson is unveiled at the MacLaurin Art Gallery in Ayr, Scotland.
* May (8) �Like A Prayer� is #5 in UK�s Favorite Single Of All Time survey by Guinness World Records: British Hit Singles.
* (13) Madonna begins 10-day preview performances of David Williamson�s play Up For Grabs at Wyndhams Theatre, London, England.
* (14) �Don�t Tell Me� and �Music� are honored as two of the Most Performed Pop Songs Of 2001 at the 50th annual BMI Pop Awards at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* (17) Marcus Sessions, a 28-year-old obsessive Madonna fan, is suspended from his job as an ice cream seller at Wyndhams Theatre, London, England; her spokeswoman says she will speak to the theatre to discuss the way staff are hired.
* (20) �Don�t Tell Me� and �Music� are honored as two of the Most Performed Songs Of 2001 at the 19th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* (23) Madonna opens in David Williamson�s West End play Up For Grabs at Wyndhams Theatre, London, England.
* Jun (2) In a telephone interview with The British Sunday People, Tony Ciccone (Madonna�s father) announces that she is pregnant; a statement by publicist Liz Rosenberg is released denying the rumors and confirms it is �completely untrue�.
* (11) �Madonna�s Liquid Assets� premieres on A&E-TV�s Biography.
* (17) �Don�t Tell Me� is honored as one of the Most Performed Dance Songs Of 2001 at the 15th annual ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* (20) Madonna is #4 with an income of $43 million in Forbes magazine�s list of top 100 highest paid entertainers of 2002.
* Jul (8) Madonna begins filming a cameo appearance as a fencing instructor for James Bond movie Die Another Day (starring Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry, directed by Lee Tamahori) at Pinewood Studios, London, England.
* (13) Madonna plays her final performance in David Williamson�s West End play Up For Grabs at Wyndhams Theatre, London, England.
* (16) Madonna is honored as �Most Popular Fitness Role Model� in SHAPE magazine�s Readers Choice Awards 2002.
* Aug (5) Mad�house�s remake of �Like A Prayer� (1989) is released as a UK single.
* (17) Madonna and Guy celebrate her 44th birthday with a Japanese-theme party for 50 invited guests at their estate in Beverly Hills, CA.
* (22) Madonna begins filming �Die Another Day� video at Hollywood Center Studios, Hollywood, CA, directed by Traktor.
* (24) Swept Away official website is launched by Sony Pictures.
* (27) Madonna is listed in Guinness World Records 2003 for Best-Selling DVD Single (�What It Feels Like For A Girl�).
* Sep (4) In an interview with Vanity Fair magazine, Madonna causes a controversy among the residents of a rundown housing estate in London, England when she says: �I love the way the city looks, minus all the council estates randomly and profusely built up everywhere�; the citizens are outraged by her comments and complain that her attitude is rude, arrogant and ridiculous.
* (9) Kelly Osbourne�s remake of �Papa Don�t Preach� (1986) is released as a single.
* (17) Madonna Live! Drowned World Tour 2001 wins Best TV Concert Of The Year on the online 2nd annual AOL TV Viewer Awards.
* (19) Swept Away is screened at AMC Movie Theatre for the Condé Nast Traveler All-Star International Film Forum, New York, NY. Madonna is named VH1�s Sexiest Artist Of Rock & Roll on its list of �100 Sexiest Artists�.
* (26) Madonna is voted �The Greatest Woman In Music History� in a viewers poll on VH1-UK music channel: she is officially the most successful female recording artist of all time with worldwide sales of over 140 million records.
* (27) �Die Another Day� single (theme from James Bond film Die Another Day) premieres on Z100 radio station in New York, NY.
* (30) Madonna tapes an interview with Larry King at the Four Seasons Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* Oct (2) Swept Away Movie Special premieres on MTV.
* (3,4) Madonna is interviewed on CBS-TV�s Entertainment Tonight, NBC-TV�s Today, Extra, Access Hollywood and E!-TV�s E! News Live.
* (7) Madonna attends a press conference in Beverly Hills, CA to promote Swept Away.
* (8) Madonna and Guy attend the world premiere of Swept Away at the Vista Theatre, Los Angeles, CA.
* (10) �Die Another Day� video premieres on MTV. Madonna is interviewed by Larry King on CNN-TV�s Larry King Live.
* (11) Swept Away is released in US by Sony Pictures. Madonna appears via telephone call to MTV�s Total Request Live (TRL) at 3:30 pm ET and speaks with host Carson Daly about the release of Swept Away and �Die Another Day� video.
* (13) Swept Away hits #24 at the US box-office with $354,052 on its opening weekend.
* (14) Madonna and Lourdes attend the opening of Gianni Versace Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England.
* (17) Rolling Stone: Top 100 Albums Of All Time includes Ray Of Light at #29, Music at #52, Like A Prayer at #62 and The Immaculate Collection at #99: Madonna has more albums on the list than any other female solo artist.
* (18) Swept Away is released in Canada by Sony Pictures.
* (19) �Die Another Day� debuts at #41 on Hot 100 Singles chart in US and is the highest-debuting song of the year 2002.
* (22) �Die Another Day� single is released in US.
* (24) Swept Away is removed from all US movie theatres by Sony Pictures after only 2 weeks of release.
* (26) �Die Another Day� climbs up to #28 on Hot 100 Singles chart in US: it is her 44th Top 40 single and she surpasses Aretha Franklin to become the top female solo artist with the most Top 40 hit singles in music history.
* (27) Swept Away grosses a total of $598,645 US at the box-office.
* (28) �Die Another Day� single is released in Europe.
* (31) Rolling Stone: Women In Rock - The 50 Essential Albums includes Like A Prayer at #16.
* Nov (1) Madonna is named Britain�s highest earning music star of the year 2002 with $56 million on Sunday Times newspaper�s annual list.
* (3) �Die Another Day� hits UK #3.
* (4) Madonna is interviewed by WKTU (New York, NY) and KIIS-FM (Los Angeles, CA) radio stations to promote �Die Another Day�.
* (7) Madonna participates in a live telephone interview with Paul Bryant on Z100 radio in New York, NY.
* (9) �Die Another Day� hits US #8: it is her 35th Top 10 hit and becomes the second artist with the most Top 10 singles behind Elvis Presley (38). �Die Another Day� hits #1 on Hot 100 Singles Sales and Hot Dance Music/Maxi-Singles Sales charts.
* (12) Madonna contributes �Die Another Day� to Die Another Day: Music From The Motion Picture soundtrack CD.
* (16) �Die Another Day� hits #1 in Canada, Italy and Spain.
* (18) Madonna meets Queen Elizabeth II at the world premiere of Die Another Day at the Royal Albert Hall, London, England.
* (22) Die Another Day (which features Madonna in a cameo appearance) is released by MGM.
* (24) Die Another Day hits #1 at the US box-office with $47 million on its opening weekend.
* (30) �Die Another Day (Remixes)� hits #1 for 2 weeks on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US: it is her 28th #1 hit single on the dance charts.
* Dec (3) Body Of Evidence (1993) is released on DVD.
* (4) Madonna and Lourdes attend the premiere of English National Ballet�s �The Nutcracker� at the Colliseum Theatre, London, England.
* (26) Madonna is named Top Female UK Singles Artist Of All Time in The Guinness Book Of Hit Singles edition of the 100 Most Successful Artists in the 50-year history of the British chart.
* (28) Madonna is Top Hot Dance Maxi-Singles Sales Artist and �Die Another Day (Remixes)� is Top Hot Dance Maxi-Singles Sales in Billboard magazine�s The Year In Music survey of 2002.
* (29) Madonna is the second highest-earning woman in Britain with an income of $43 million in The Mail newspaper�s annual list.


» 2001

* Jan (3) Madonna is nominated for 4 Grammy Awards: Record Of The Year, Best Female Pop Vocal Performance ("Music"), Best Pop Vocal Album and Best Recording Package (Music).
* (4) VH1 - 100 Greatest Albums Of Rock N Roll includes Like A Prayer at #100.
* (9) Madonna contributes "Lucky Star" (1984) to Snatch: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack CD. Madonna is #4 on Mr. Blackwell's 41st annual list of the worst-dressed women of 2000.
* (14) In Canada, "Music" and "American Pie" are named the No. 1 and No. 2 Top Singles Of The Year 2000 - it is the first time in Canadian chart history that an artist holds both the top 2 positions on the year-end music charts.
* (16) "Don't Tell Me" single (which includes a bonus CD-ROM video) is released.
* (18) Madonna and Guy attend the Los Angeles premiere of his film Snatch at the Directors Guild of America. Madonna wins Best Single ("Music"), Best Video ("Music") and Best-Dressed Artist in Rolling Stone magazine's 25th annual Readers Poll.
* (20) Madonna wins Best International Female Artist and Best International Album (Music) at the 2nd annual NRJ Music Awards at the Midem Music Conference, Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France.
* Feb (3) "Don't Tell Me" hits US #4 - it is her 34th Top 10 US single and surpasses The Beatles to become the second artist behind Elvis Presley with the most Top 10 hits on the US charts.
* (7) Madonna is named Best International Female Artist at the 3rd annual NRJ Radio Awards in Heron City, Stockholm, Sweden.
* (11) Madonna begins filming "What It Feels Like For A Girl" video in Los Angeles, CA, directed by Guy Ritchie.
* (18) Madonna writes a letter to the Los Angeles Times newspaper in defense of controversial rap artist Eminem over the public and media criticism of his offensive song lyrics and Grammy Award nominations: "What is the big deal about Eminem? Since when is offensive language a reason for being unpopular? I find the language of George W. much more offensive. I find the hypocritical nature of most popular figures in our culture much more offensive. I like the fact that Eminem is brash and angry and politically incorrect. At least he has an opinion. He's stirring things up, he's provoking a discussion, he's making people's blood boil. He's reflecting what's going on in society right now. That is what art is supposed to do. And after all he's just a boy. Thank God he's rebellious and not well-groomed. He gets my vote. Yours truly, Mrs. Ritchie".
* (21) Madonna performs "Music" at the 43rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA.
* (23) Madonna announces she is planning her first concert tour in 8 years and rehearsals are scheduled to begin in April 2001.
* (25) "The First Los Angeles Madonna Convention" is held at The Palace Theatre, Los Angeles, CA.
* (26) Madonna wins Best International Female Solo Artist at the 20th annual Brit Awards at Earl's Court, London, England.
* (27) "Music" video is certified gold (50,000 units). Madonna wins Best International Female Artist at the 41st annual Edison Music Awards at the Amsterdam Convention Factory in Amsterdam, Holland.
* Mar (3) Madonna wins Best International Album (Music) and Best International Hit ("Music") at the 12th annual Danish Music Awards at the Forum in Copenhagen, Denmark.
* (5) Robert Podesta, 51, pleads guilty for having secretly filmed the baptism of Madonna and Guy's son Rocco on Dec 21, 2000 in Dornoch, Scotland and the court orders the destruction of the videotape; Podesta is to appear in court on March 29.
* (7) "Material Girl" (1985) is #161 on the list of "365 Songs Of The Century" by The Recording Industry Assocation Of America (RIAA) and the National Endowment For The Arts (NEA).
* (9) In Hungary, Madonna wins Best International Pop Album Of The Year (Music) at the Golden Giraffe Awards.
* (13) Music is named Best Selling Dance Recording Of The Year at NARM's 43rd annual Best Seller Awards in Orlando, FL.
* (14) Madonna holds open auditions for dancers for her world tour at Musical Theatre Works, New York, NY.
* (16) MTV and VH1 networks announce that Madonna's new video "What It Feels Like For A Girl" will be broadcast only once on March 20 at 11:30 pm amid controversy over its violent content.
* (20) "What It Feels Like For A Girl" video world premieres on America Online (AOL), MTV, VH1 and MuchMusic at 11:30 pm EST.
* (22) In Canada, MuchMusic network announces it will continue to broadcast "What It Feels Like For A Girl" video.
* (24) Madonna wins a Razzie Award for Worst Actress in The Next Best Thing at the 21st annual Golden Raspberry Awards at the Radisson-Huntley Hotel's Garden Room, Santa Monica, CA.
* (25) Madonna is signed to star in a $1.4 million, 7-minute commercial for BMW car company to be directed by Guy Ritchie.
* (28) Madonna begins filming BMW commercial "Star" in Los Angeles, CA, co-starring Clive Owen and directed by Guy Ritchie. "Don't Tell Me" single is certified gold (500,000 units). Madonna wins Best Dance Artist - Solo, Best Dance Video ("Music") and Best Pop 12-Inch Dance Record ("Music") at the 16th annual International Dance Music Awards in Miami Beach, FL.
* (29) Robert Podesta is fined $1,440 for having filmed the baptism of Madonna and Guy's son.
* Apr (5) Madonna begins tour rehearsals at Sony Pictures Studios, Culver City, CA. In Switzerland, Madonna is named the most successful singles artist of all time in Swiss music history: she has spent 497 weeks on the singles charts.
* (11) Madonna wins Favorite International Solo Artist at the Capital FM Awards at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London, England.
* (16) Madonna announces 18 official dates for "Drowned World Tour 2001" which will begin on June 5 at the Cologne Arena, Cologne, Germany and will end Sept 9 at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA.
* (22) Madonna and Guy Ritchie are #6 on The UK Sunday Times list of Britain's richest people with a joint fortune of $260 million.
* (24) "What It Feels Like For A Girl" DVD video single is released.
* (26) In UK, Madonna breaks box-office records for the fastest-selling concerts at Earl's Court, London, England: 16,000 tickets for July 4 concert are sold-out in only 15 minutes and 80,000 tickets for 5 extra dates (July 6,7,9,10,12) are sold-out in only six hours.
* (27) Madonna sets more box-office records as tickets for 2 concerts in Germany and France are sold-out in only 30 minutes.
* May (1) "What It Feels Like For A Girl" is released as a maxi-single in US.
* (2) Madonna wins Best Music Web Event for Brixton Academy webcast at the 1st annual NetSounds Awards at the NetSounds Online Music Conference at the Hilton Hotel, London, England.
* (3) America Online (AOL) announces it will sponsor "Drowned World Tour 2001".
* (4) Madonna cancels her first 2 concerts at the Cologne Arena, Cologne, Germany (June 5,6) due to technical problems and the tour will instead begin on June 9 at Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, Spain.
* (7) VH1 - 100 Greatest Videos Of All Time includes "Like A Prayer" #2, "Justify My Love" #7, "Ray Of Light" #40, "Material Girl" #54, "Like A Virgin" #61 and "Borderline" #84.
* (10) Madonna is #2 on The Lycos 50 list of the "Top 25 Most Popular Celebrity Moms Online" based on web user searches.
* (12) "What It Feels Like For A Girl" DVD hits US #2 on Top Music Videos chart.
* (14) Madonna sets more box-office records as 100,000 tickets for the US leg of her tour are sold-out within hours.
* (15) "American Pie" is honored as one of the Most Performed Songs Of 2000 at the 49th annual BMI Pop Awards at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* (16) "Don't Tell Me" wins Video Of The Year and Best Direction Of A Female Artist for its director Jean-Baptiste Mondino at the 10th annual Music Video Production Association (MVPA) Awards at the Directors Guild of America, Los Angeles, CA.
* (17) Madonna is named one of Britain's "Worst Dressed Celebrity" at Prima magazine's Fashion Awards in London, England.
* (19) "What It Feels Like For A Girl" hits US #23.
* (21) VH1 - Top 100 Most Shocking Moments In Rock N Roll includes Madonna's Sex book at #11 and "Like A Prayer" video at #87.
* (22) Madonna, Like A Virgin and True Blue are re-released on CD with re-mastered sound and bonus dance mixes.
* (24) HBO-TV announces it will broadcast Madonna's concert live from The Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI on Aug 26.
* (27) Madonna continues rehearsals for "Drowned World Tour 2001" at the Great Western Forum, Inglewood, CA.
* (29) Lucrezia's remake of "Live To Tell" (1986) is released as a maxi-single.
* (30) Madonna sets box-office records as 3 concerts at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY sell-out in less than 35 minutes.
* (31) A trailer for Madonna's BMW commercial "Star" is available to download on the internet at
* Jun (4) Madonna arrives in Barcelona, Spain with family and tour crew for "Drowned World Tour 2001".
* (5) Shadows And Fog (1992) is released on DVD.
* (7) "Star" commercial premieres on the internet at "Music" is honored as Top Dance Song at the 14th annual ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Music Awards at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Atlanta, GA.
* (9,10) "Drowned World Tour 2001" opens with 2 sold-out concerts at Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, Spain.
* (13,14,15) Madonna performs at the Fila Forum, Milan, Italy.
* (18) In Germany, a 26-year-old man named Aaron wins "In Bed For Madonna" contest sponsored by German online tabloid Thema1 for a ticket to Madonna's concert in Berlin on June 22 in exchange for sex with the website's columnist.
* (19,20,22,23) Madonna performs 4 sold-out concerts at Max-Schmeling-Halle, Berlin, Germany.
* (24) In Berlin, Madonna makes a silent visit to ex-Nazi concentration camp Sachsenhausen with actress Gwyneth Paltrow.
* (26,27,29,30) Madonna performs at Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, Paris, France.
* Jul (1) "The Virgin Tour 1985" is voted #4 in Spin magazine's list of "Top 10 Tours That Changed The World".
* (4,6,7,9,10,12) Madonna performs 6 sold-out concerts at Earl's Court, London, England.
* (21,22) Madonna opens the 12-city North American leg of "Drowned World Tour 2001" at First Union Center, Philadelphia, PA.
* (25,26,28,30,31) Madonna performs 5 sold-out concerts at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY.
* Aug (1) Madonna: An Intimate Biography, by J. Randy Taraborrelli, is released. MTV - 20th Anniversary: Top 100 Best Videos Poll includes "Ray Of Light" #4, "Frozen" #50, "Justify My Love" #76 and "Like A Prayer" #88.
* (2) Madonna performs at Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, NJ.
* (3) Madonna cancels a second scheduled concert at Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, NJ, due to laryngitis.
* (7,8) Madonna performs at the Fleet Center, Boston, MA.
* (10,11) Madonna performs 2 sold-out concerts at MCI Center, Washington, DC.
* (11) Rocco Ritchie celebrates his 1st birthday.
* (14) Madonna performs at the National Car Rental Center, Sunrise, FL. Madonna is #2 in Billboard magazine's "Top Ten Concert Grosses" for 2 concerts at the Fleet Center, Boston, MA with sold-out crowds of 29,886 and gross sales of $3,503,520.
* (15) During a second sold-out concert at the National Car Rental Center, Sunrise, FL, Madonna is surprised by husband Guy Ritchie when he appears onstage to present her a chocolate cake for her 43rd birthday.
* (19,20) Madonna performs at Philips Arena, Atlanta, GA.
* (21) Madonna is #1 in Billboard magazine's "Top Ten Concert Grosses" for 5 concerts at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY with sold-out crowds of 79,401 and gross sales of $9,297,105.
* (25) Madonna performs at The Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI and is profiled on CNN-TV's People In The News.
* (26) Madonna Live! Drowned World Tour 2001 is broadcast live on HBO-TV from The Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI and seen by 5.7 million viewers - it is the network's third highest rated prime-time concert special since 1997.
* (28,29) Madonna performs at the United Center, Chicago, IL.
* Sep (1,2) Madonna performs 2 sold-out concerts at the MGM Grand Garden, Las Vegas, NV.
* (5,6) Madonna performs at Oakland Arena, Oakland, CA.
* (9) Madonna performs a sold-out concert at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA.
* (11) Madonna postpones a scheduled concert at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA due to terrorist airplane attacks on the World Trade Center, New York, NY and the Pentagon, Washington, DC. (The concert is re-scheduled for Sept 15).
* (13) Madonna donates proceeds from her concert at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA to victims of terrorist attacks.
* (14) During a third sold-out concert at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA, Madonna leads a prayer for peace and urges President George W. Bush to show restraint in retaliating for terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
* (15) "Drowned World Tour 2001" ends at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA.
* (18) "Impressive Instant" is released only to club DJs in US. Madonna is #1 in Billboard magazine's "Top Ten Concert Grosses" for 4 concerts at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA with sold-out crowds of 61,464 and gross sales of $8,303,165.
* (27) Madonna wins Best Online Live Music Event for Brixton Academy webcast at the 1st annual UK Online Music Awards at the Ocean Music Venue, London, England.
* (28) In Malta, Madonna begins filming Love, Sex, Drugs And Money (a remake of 1975 Italian film Swept Away), co-starring Adriano Giannini, Bruce Greenwood and Jeanne Tripplehorn, directed by Guy Ritchie.
* Oct (5) Warner Bros Records announces that Madonna will release GHV2, a new greatest hits album of 15 songs from 1991-2001 and will also release "Drowned World Tour 2001" concert video and DVD on Nov 13.
* (10) Microsoft announces it has licensed "Ray Of Light" for $15 million as the official theme song in their advertising campaign for the new operating system Microsoft Windows XP.
* (11) The Immaculate Collection is certified 10x platinum (10 million units) - the best-selling greatest hits album by a female artist.
* (15) Microsoft Windows XP commercial with "Ray Of Light" premieres on TV.
* (20) Madonna arrives in Sardinia, Italy to continue film production on Love, Sex, Drugs And Money.
* (21) Evolution: Madonna TV special premieres on VH1.
* (30) Madonna launches Maverick Musica, a new Latin record label by Maverick Records.
* Nov (2) "GHV2 Megamix" video world premieres on MTV.
* (4) Madonna is named Britain's highest-earning woman with an annual income of 30 million pounds ($43.8 million).
* (5) "GHV2 Megamix" video premieres on VH1.
* (6) The books Madonna by Andrew Morton and Goddess: Inside Madonna by Barbara Victor are released.
* (12) Madonna is honored by the Recording Industry Association Of America (RIAA) with a Diamond Award for sales of more than 10 million units of The Immaculate Collection.
* (13) GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 CD is released. "Drowned World Tour 2001" is released on home video and DVD.
* (15) Madonna completes filming Love, Sex, Drugs And Money in Sardinia, Italy.
* (17) "Impressive Instant" hits #1 on US Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart. A real estate group from Ohio purchases Madonna's childhood home in Rochester Hills, MI for $331,000 in a 12-minute property auction.
* (20) "GHV2 Megamix" single is released only to club DJs in US to promote GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 CD.
* (24) "GHV2 Megamix" video hits #11 on VH1.
* (28) Madonna is #3, #4, #5 and #8 on Top 10 Grossing Concert Events Of 2001 by Amusement Business.
* Dec (1) GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 hits US #7 and "Drowned World Tour 2001" hits US #1 on Top Music Videos chart. Madonna wins Outstanding Creative Achievement, Record Production/Single for "Music" at the 17th annual Technical Excellence & Creativity (TEC) Awards at the Marriott Marquis, New York, NY.
* (3) Madonna is voted the #2 Greatest Female Rock And Pop Artist Of All Time by readers of Q magazine.
* (9) Madonna presents the Turner Prize of $28,600 to artist Martin Creed for his controversial work "The Lights Going On And Off" at a ceremony at the Tate Britain Gallery in London, England. During the live telecast, Madonna causes a controversy when she says: "At a time when political correctness is valued over honesty, I would like to say, right on motherfuckers, everyone is a winner!" Her strong language prompts Channel 4 TV network to issue an immediate apology to its viewers.
* (11) GHV2 (Limited Edition) CD is released in US.
* (12) Madonna participates in a live webchat on MSN. GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 is certified 1x platinum (1 million units).
* (18) Madonna and Guy attend the premiere of film Mean Machine at the Odeon in London, England.
* (18,19) Madonna is featured in a 2-part interview on NBC-TV's Today.
* (20) Madonna is named the Most Influential Person In The World by Euro RSCO Worldwide, an advertising agency network.
* (21) Madonna is #4 on Top 10 List Of Biggest Concert Grossers Of 2001 with $74 million (47 dates).
* (22) Madonna is honored with her own plaid tartan by the Scottish Highland Tourist Board in recognition of her contribution to Scottish tourism and as a first wedding anniversary present.
* (27) In UK, Madonna is #5 on Top 10 Pop Idols Of All Time poll conducted by Vizzavi. Madonna is #6 on the list of Top 40 North American Concert Tours Of 2001 by Pollstar ($54.7 million US for 28 concerts).
* (28) "Don't Tell Me" is #6 in USA Today newspaper's list of the "Best Singles Of 2001".
* (29) Madonna wins Top Hot Dance Club Play Artist in Billboard magazine's The Year In Music annual survey.
* (31) Madonna is named one of the "25 Most Intriguing People Of 2001" by People magazine.


» 2000

* Jan (1) Madonna and Guy Ritchie celebrate the new millenium at Donatella Versace's party at the Versace Mansion in Miami, FL.
* (3) In Israel, Madonna is named Female Artist Of The Decade by listeners of Galgalatz radio station.
* (4) Madonna is nominated for 2 Grammy Awards: Best Female Pop Vocal Performance and Best Song Written For A Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media ("Beautiful Stranger").
* (10) Madonna begins filming "American Pie" video in London, England, directed by Phillip Stolzl.
* (14) "Beautiful Stranger" wins Best Song at the 3rd annual Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards in Las Vegas, NV.
* (18) "Beautiful Stranger" is named the most-played song on UK radio in the year 1999: it was played 44,483 times to an audience of 1,468,204 radio listeners which makes Madonna the first female solo artist to top the Radio Airplay chart in England.
* Feb (2) Madonna is interviewed on ABC-TV's Entertainment Tonight.
* (4) Madonna and Benjamin Bratt (co-star of The Next Best Thing) guest on NBC-TV's The Rosie O'Donnell Show.
* (5) Madonna is a special guest at the 27th annual Evening Standard British Film Awards at the Savoy Hotel, London, England.
* (11) "American Pie" video premieres on MTV.
* (14) Madonna attends the London premiere of film The Talented Mr. Ripley at the Empire Theatre, Leicester Square.
* (22) The Next Best Thing: Music From The Motion Picture soundtrack CD is released and includes 2 new songs by Madonna: "American Pie" (a remake of 1971 Don McLean classic) and "Time Stood Still".
* (23) "Beautiful Stranger" wins Best Song Written For A Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media at the 42nd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA.
* (26) MTV - Top 25 Most Played Music Videos includes "Like A Virgin" #8 and "Vogue" #18.
* (28) "American Pie" single (from The Next Best Thing) is released.
* (29) Madonna and Guy Ritchie attend the New York premiere of The Next Best Thing at the Loews Cineplex Theatre. Madonna Exposed - The Next Best Thing Movie Special premieres on VH1.
* Mar (1) Madonna guests on MTV's Total Request Live (TRL) at the MTV Building in Times Square, New York, NY.
* (2,3) Madonna is interviewed by Matt Lauer on NBC-TV's Today.
* (3) The Next Best Thing is released nationwide. Madonna is featured in an interview on MTV's Fanatic.
* (4) "American Pie" hits US #29.
* (5) The Next Best Thing hits #2 at the US box-office with $5.8 million on its opening weekend.
* (16) The Immaculate Collection is certified 9x platinum (9 million units), Ray Of Light is certified 4x platinum (4 million units).
* (20) Madonna announces she is 3-months pregnant with her second child and the father is Guy Ritchie.
* (23) Madonna and Guy attend the re-opening of the Tate Britain Gallery, London, England.
* (25) Madonna wins a Razzie Award for Worst Actress Of The Century at the 20th annual Golden Raspberry Awards at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel Academy Room, Los Angeles, CA.
* Apr (7) "Beautiful Stranger" wins Best Cinematography In A Music Video at the 9th annual Music Video Production Association (MVPA) Awards at the Directors Guild of America, Los Angeles, CA.
* (20) Madonna begins filming "Music" video in Los Angeles, CA, directed by Jonas Akerlund.
* (25) "Beautiful Stranger" is honored as one of the Most Performed Songs From A Motion Picture at the 15th annual ASCAP Film & Television Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* May (21) The Next Best Thing has grossed a total of $14.9 million US at the box-office.
* (25) "Beautiful Stranger" wins PRS (Performing Rights Society) Most Performed Work at the 45th annual Ivor Novello Awards at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London, England.
* (31) A copy of Madonna's new single "Music" is illegally downloaded on the internet by Napster months before its release date and her record company is threatening legal action.
* Jun (1) Madonna attends a charity dinner hosted by HRH Prince Charles at his Highgrove estate in Gloucestershire, England.
* (6) Madonna attends the London premiere of The Next Best Thing at the Odeon West End Theatre, Leicester Square.
* (7) "Nothing Really Matters" is honored as one of the Most Performed Dance Songs Of 1999 at the 13th annual ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Music Awards in the Hammerstein Ballroom at Manhattan Center, New York, NY.
* (13) Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) is released on DVD.
* (18) In Singapore, Madonna is named Best Female Artist at the 1st annual Radio Music Awards at the Harbour Pavilion.
* Aug (1) The official website is launched by Warner Bros Records.
* (2) "Music" video premieres on MTV.
* (11) Madonna gives birth to a 5-lb, 9-oz boy, Rocco Ritchie, at 11:59 am at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, CA.
* (22) "Music" single is released.
* (24) Madonna files a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the United Nations for ownership of the internet address, a pornographic website presently owned by New Jersey entrepreneur Dan Parisi.
* (26) Madonna becomes the first female solo artist to have 10 No. 1 singles in UK with "Music".
* (29) The Next Best Thing is released on home video and DVD.
* Sep (5) "Music" DVD video single is released.
* (16) "Music" hits US #1 for four consecutive weeks - it is her 12th No. 1 and 33rd Top 10 single in US.
* (18) Madonna participates in her first live online chat on America Online (AOL).
* (19) Music CD is released. Madonna attends the Music launch party at the club Catch One, Los Angeles, CA.
* (22) Madonna makes a surprise in-store appearance at the Virgin Megastore, West Hollywood, CA, to sign copies of Music CD.
* (23) "Music" DVD hits US #3 on Top Music Videos chart.
* (24) Music has sold 420,000 US copies in one week and hits #1 in 23 countries such as: Austria, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, US.
* (26) Madonna announces she will perform mini-concerts in New York and London clubs in Nov 2000.
* Oct (3) Madonna is certified 5x platinum (5 million units), Something To Remember is certified 3x platinum (3 million units).
* (7) Music hits US #1 for one week - her first No. 1 album in 11 years.
* (10) VH1 - 100 Greatest Dance Songs includes "Vogue" #4 and "Into The Groove" #40.
* (16) Madonna wins her case for ownership of the internet address and the World Intellectual Property Organization orders businessman Dan Parisi to transfer the site back to her.
* (17) Madonna begins filming "Don't Tell Me" video in Los Angeles, CA, directed by Jean-Baptiste Mondino.
* (24) Madonna contributes "Shanti/Ashtangi" to all-star Tibetan benefit CD Mantra Mix.
* (25) Music is certified 2x platinum (2 million units), "Music" single is certified 1x platinum (1 million units).
* (26) RIAA Top Selling Artists: Madonna is #10 with 57 million certified units in US.
* Nov (1) Guinness World Records: Madonna is the most successful female solo artist for selling 130 million records (singles and albums) and having 35 Top 10 singles and 12 Top 10 albums in US with a UK total of 47 Top 10 singles and 14 Top 10 albums.
* (3) Madonna guests and performs "Don't Tell Me" on CBS-TV's Late Show With David Letterman.
* (5) Madonna performs a mini-concert at the Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY.
* (7) Madonna announces she will perform at Brixton Academy, London on Nov 28 - her first UK concert in 7 years.
* (10) "Music" wins Best Pop Clip Of The Year at the 22nd annual Billboard Video Awards at the Universal Hilton, Los Angeles, CA.
* (11) Madonna guests and performs "Don't Tell Me" on Wetten Dass TV show in Freiburg, Germany.
* (12) Madonna is interviewed on CNN-TV's World Beat.
* (13) Madonna is named Best International Female Artist at the 4th annual Premios Amigo Awards in Madrid, Spain.
* (16) Madonna performs "Music" at the 7th annual MTV Europe Music Awards at the Globe Arena in Stockholm, Sweden and wins 2 awards: Best Female and Best Dance Act.
* (17) "Don't Tell Me" video world premieres on BBC1-TV's Top Of The Pops in London, England.
* (18) Madonna is interviewed on NRJ Radio Show at the Champs Elysées in Paris, France.
* (19) Madonna performs "Music" and "Don't Tell Me" and is interviewed on Nulle Part Ailleurs TV show in Paris, France.
* (20) Madonna is interviewed on TF1's Journal de 20 Heures in Paris, France.
* (24) Madonna performs "Don't Tell Me" on BBC1-TV's Top Of The Pops in London, England.
* (25) Rolling Stone & MTV: The 100 Greatest Pop Songs includes "Like A Virgin" #4, "Vogue" #19 and "Papa Don't Preach" #62.
* (27) "Don't Tell Me" video premieres on VH1.
* (28) Madonna performs a mini-concert at Brixton Academy, London, England, which is webcast live on the internet on Microsoft Network (MSN) at 8:00 pm GMT and seen by 9 million viewers in UK, US and Europe - it is the biggest live webcast ever and breaks the record of 3 million set by Paul McCartney's online concert at Liverpool's The Cavern Club in 1999.
* (30) In UK, Madonna's house is burglarized while she and her family are asleep: reports confirm that thieves stole her boyfriend's Range Rover and various other items; the vehicle is recovered and the matter is being investigated by police.
* Dec (2) Madonna performs "Don't Tell Me" on Carramba Che Fortuna TV show in Rome, Italy.
* (7) Madonna announces her engagement to Guy Ritchie and that they will marry in Scotland on Dec 22, 2000.
* (15) Madonna purchases an $8 million estate in London, England. "Music" is named Single Of The Year by People magazine.
* (17) "Music" is voted Best Pop Single and Best Pop Album in Records Of The Year Readers Poll.
* (18) Madonna and her family arrive in Scotland to begin wedding preparations; upon her arrival at Inverness Airport, she is greeted by journalists, fans and a bagpiper who welcomes her with a rendition of "Like A Virgin".
* (21) Rocco Ritchie is baptized at Dornoch Cathedral, Dornoch, Scotland.
* (22) Madonna and Guy Ritchie are married at Skibo Castle in Dornoch, Sutherland, Scotland with Gwyneth Paltrow, Stella McCartney, Sting, George Clooney, Jon Bon Jovi, Celine Dion, Bryan Adams, Rupert Everett and others in attendance.
* (23) Madonna and Guy leave Scotland for their honeymoon: it is reported that they will spend Christmas with Sting and his wife Trudi Styler at their holiday-weekend estate in Wiltshire, England.
* (25) Madonna performs "Music" on a special Christmas episode of BBC1-TV's Top Of The Pops in London, England.
* (29) Madonna is named Woman Of The Year, Hype Of The Year (Madonna at Brixton) and "Music" is named Best Promo Video Of The Year by the writers of
* (30) Madonna wins Top Hot Dance Club Play Artist, Top Hot Dance Club Play Single ("Music") and Top Hot Dance Maxi-Singles Sales ("Music") in Billboard magazine's The Year In Music survey.


» 1999

* Jan (1) Madonna is voted Artist Of The Year by readers of the music internet website Rock On The Net.
* (4) Ray Of Light is voted Favorite Album Of The Year by Billboard magazine.
* (5) Madonna and Ray Of Light are nominated for 6 Grammy Awards: Album Of The Year, Record Of The Year, Best Pop Album, Best Dance Recording, Best Recording Package and Best Short-Form Music Video.
* (9) Madonna begins filming "Nothing Really Matters" video in New York, NY, directed by Johan Renck.
* (12) Madonna is #2 on Mr. Blackwell's 39th annual list of the worst-dressed women of 1998.
* (18) Madonna guests on CNN-TV's Larry King Live.
* (21) Madonna wins Best Female Artist and Best Dance/Electronica Artist in Rolling Stone magazine's 23rd annual Readers Poll.
* (29) Ray Of Light is voted Pop/Rock Album Of The Year by Playboy magazine.
* Feb (2) Madonna signs a long-term licensing and marketing contract with Sony Signatures: she will lend her name and image to fashion designers and manufacturers of fragrances, cosmetics and collectibles, and Swiss watchmaker Ebel.
* (5) Madonna is interviewed on ABC-TV's Entertainment Tonight.
* (6) Madonna wins Best International Female Artist and Best International Album (Ray Of Light) at the 10th annual Dansk Grammy Awards at Tivoli's Garden Concert Hall in Copenhagen, Denmark.
* (8) Madonna wins Female Artist Of The Year at the 1st annual NRJ Radio Awards at Cirkus in Stockholm, Sweden.
* (10) Madonna attends a reception at Astra in the D&D Building, New York, for the unveiling of Esquire magazine's March 1999 issue about the AIDS crisis in which she is featured on the cover with other AIDS activists.
* (13) "Nothing Really Matters" video premieres on MTV.
* (16) Madonna attends the Los Angeles premiere of Guy Ritchie film Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.
* (22) Max Factor announces a $6.5 million agreement with Madonna to collaborate on a line of several new cosmetic products, and she will also appear in TV commercials and ad campaigns which will run in Europe, Japan and Asia.
* (24) Madonna performs "Nothing Really Matters" at the 41st annual Grammy Awards at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA; Ray Of Light wins Best Pop Album, Best Dance Recording, Best Recording Package and Best Short-Form Music Video.
* Mar (2) Maverick Recording Company and Warner Bros. Inc. announce a long-term extension of their joint venture which also includes a new long-term contract with Maverick partners Madonna, Guy Oseary and Ronnie Dashev.
* (3) Madonna is voted Electronic Artist Of The Year and Ray Of Light is voted Electronic Album Of The Year in the 2nd annual Sonicnet / Addicted To Noise Readers Poll.
* (4) Madonna wins Best International Female Artist at the 39th annual Edison Music Awards in Amsterdam, Holland.
* (9) "Madonna - Ciao Italia: Live From Italy" (1988) is released on DVD.
* (15) Madonna is named one of People magazine's "25 Legends Of The Past 25 Years".
* (17) Madonna wins Best Dance Artist - Solo and Best Dance Video ("Ray Of Light") at the 14th annual International Dance Music Awards at the Winter Music Conference in Miami, FL.
* (19) Madonna attends Sony Music's pre-Academy Awards party at Mondrian Hotel's Asia de Cuba restaurant, Los Angeles, CA.
* (20) Madonna begins filming Max Factor commercial in Los Angeles, CA, directed by Alek Keshishian.
* (21) Madonna attends the Vanity Fair post-Academy Awards party at Morton's restaurant, West Hollywood, CA.
* (29) Evita: The Complete Motion Picture Music Soundtrack is certified 5x platinum (5 million units).
* Apr (5) Madonna is voted the Most Positive & Influential Sexual Voice Of The Past 35 Years in a USA Today online survey.
* (9) "Ray Of Light" wins Pop Video Of The Year and "Frozen" wins Best Special Effects In A Music Video at the 8th annual Music Video Production Association (MVPA) Awards at the Egyptian Theatre, Los Angeles, CA.
* (13) "Nothing Really Matters" single is released.
* (14) Ray Of Light wins Best Foreign Album Of The Year at the Fryderyk Music Awards in Warsaw, Poland.
* (20) Four Rooms (1995) is released on DVD.
* (23) Madonna begins filming The Next Best Thing, starring Rupert Everett and Benjamin Bratt, directed by John Schlesinger.
* (25) Madonna is featured in various photographs in The UK Sunday Times for the Max Factor campaign.
* (30) The Max Factor commercial premieres on TV in Europe.
* May (1) Madonna begins filming "Beautiful Stranger" video at Universal Studios, Los Angeles, CA, directed by Brett Ratner.
* (2) Madonna wins Best International Pop/Rock Album (Ray Of Light) and Best International Music Video ("Frozen") at the 6th annual Croatian Porin Music Awards in Makarska, Croatia.
* (8) "Nothing Really Matters" hits US #93.
* (11) Madonna & Ricky Martin duet "Cuidado Con Mi Corazon (Be Careful With My Heart)" is featured on his CD Ricky Martin.
* (13) Ray Of Light is named one of Rolling Stone magazine's "Essential Recordings Of The 90s".
* (17) "Frozen" is honored as one of the Most Performed Songs Of 1998 at the 16th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* (19) "Beautiful Stranger" video premieres on MTV. Madonna is interviewed by Charlie Rose on CBS-TV's 60 Minutes II.
* (23) Guinness Book of Records - Top 100 Singles includes "Crazy For You" #16 and "Holiday" #33.
* (26) "Ray Of Light" is honored as Top ASCAP Dance Song at the 12th annual ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Music Awards in the Hammerstein Ballroom at Manhattan Center, New York, NY.
* Jun (1) "Beautiful Stranger" single (from film Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me) is released.
* (8) "The Immaculate Collection" (1990) is released on DVD.
* (10) Madonna and Rupert Everett attend the Los Angeles premiere of his film An Ideal Husband.
* (16) Madonna is interviewed on ABC-TV's Entertainment Tonight.
* (29) Madonna files a $2.5 million lawsuit against her ex-financial advisors, Padell, Nadell, Fine, Weinberger & Co. for malpractice and breach of contract: she claims to have paid $2 million in New York state income taxes in 1992 after the firm prepared her taxes saying she was a California resident; Madonna seeks $2 million in compensatory damages and $500,000 in punitive damages.
* (30) Madonna completes filming The Next Best Thing in Los Angeles, CA.
* Jul (15) "Beautiful Stranger" is the most-played song on radio ever in UK: it was played 2,462 times in only one week.
* (17) During a 2-week vacation in Europe, Madonna attends the Versace Fashion Couture party at Man Ray Club in Paris, France.
* (24) "Beautiful Stranger" hits US #19.
* (26) "Beautiful Stranger" wins Best Pop Song Of The Year on BBC2-TV's Gaytime TV Awards in London, England.
* Aug (2) Madonna attends the Talk magazine launch party on Liberty Island, Manhattan, NY.
* Sep (9) Madonna wins Best Video From A Film for "Beautiful Stranger" and co-presents with Paul McCartney the Best Video Of The Year award to Lauryn Hill for "Doo Wop (That Thing)" at the 16th annual MTV Video Music Awards at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, NY. (Madonna is crowned Most Honored Artist Of The 20th Century in the 15-year history of the MTV Video Music Awards with a career total of 18 awards).
* (12) Madonna and Lourdes attend the Versace Spring 2000 Show at the Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY.
* (30) "Blond Ambition Tour" is named The Greatest Concert Of The 1990s by Rolling Stone magazine.
* Oct (7) Madonna wins Favorite Female Artist at the 1st annual ARTIST Direct Online Music Awards in Los Angeles, CA.
* (13) Madonna attends the Details magazine party at the Metropolitan Pavilion, New York, NY.
* (17) Madonna receives death threats from a telephone caller on her way to London, England to begin work on a new album; upon their arrival at Heathrow Airport, Madonna and Lourdes are escorted by police but there are no incidents.
* Nov (1) Guinness World Records: Madonna is the most successful female solo artist for selling 120 million albums worldwide.
* (7) Madonna is #5 on "Top Entertainers Of The Half-Century (1950-2000)" list by Entertainment Weekly magazine.
* (9) "Madonna: The Video Collection 1993-99" is released on home video and DVD. Madonna is named Top-Selling Female Rock Artist Of The Century by the Recording Industry Association Of America (RIAA).
* (13) In UK, Madonna is voted Female Performer Of The Millenium on Channel 4's Music Of The Millenium Poll.
* (17) Madonna is voted Favorite Female Music Artist Of The 80s (37.8% votes) on - Millenium Poll.
* (27) "Madonna: The Video Collection 1993-99" hits US #3 on Top Music Videos chart.
* (30) MTV & TV Guide's Top 100 Videos Ever Made includes "Vogue" #2, "Express Yourself" #10 and "Lucky Star" #50.
* Dec (1) Madonna is crowned Artist Of The Millenium by MTV Asia. Madonna is voted #3 Artist Of The Decade and "Beautiful Stranger" is #2 Song Of The Decade in and TDK's "90s Music Time Capsule" Online Survey.
* (5) Madonna presents the Male Celebrity Style Award to Rupert Everett at the 5th annual VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards at the Lexington Avenue Armory, Manhattan, NY.
* (12) Madonna is #8 on The Detroit Free Press newspaper's "100 Greatest Artists & Entertainers Of Michigan's Century".
* (14) Madonna is voted Female Artist Of The Century by readers of SongLink International, a UK songwriters and music magazine.
* (18) Madonna is #3 on VH1-UK's "Millenium Honors List" of the top 100 greatest artists of the millenium.
* (25) Madonna is featured in Billboard magazine's "Totally 90s - Diary Of A Decade": Top Pop Artist Of The Decade #6, Top Pop Female Artist Of The Decade #4, Hot 100 Singles Of The Decade "Take A Bow" #24 and "Vogue" #93.
* (28) Madonna is honored as Female Artist Of The Millenium by Radio Tel Aviv in Israel.
* (30) In Australia, Madonna is voted #1 "Female Music Star Of The Millenium" in a Virtual Time Capsule by 2DayFM radio station.
* (31) MuchMusic: Top 100 Videos Of The Century includes "Express Yourself" #3, "Ray Of Light" #8 and "Like A Prayer" #47.


» 1998

* Jan (7) Madonna begins filming "Frozen" video in the Mojave Desert, CA, directed by Chris Cunningham.
* (13) Madonna is #3 on Mr. Blackwell's 38th annual list of the worst-dressed women of 1997.
* (18) Madonna presents the award for Best Actor In A Motion Picture, Musical Or Comedy to Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets at the 55th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* Feb (14) Madonna performs a surprise mini-concert at 2:00 am to a sold-out crowd of 2,500 at The Roxy Club, New York, NY to promote her new CD Ray Of Light - it is her first club performance in 14 years.
* (16) "Frozen" video premieres on MTV.
* (17) Madonna arrives in London, England to begin her European promotional tour for Ray Of Light.
* (21) Madonna performs "Frozen" on BBC1-TV's National Lottery Show in London, England.
* (24) Madonna performs "Frozen" at the San Remo Song Festival in San Remo, Italy.
* (27) Madonna performs "Frozen" and is interviewed on TF1's Les Années Tubes TV show in Paris, France.
* (28) Madonna performs "Frozen" on Wetten Dass TV show in Duisberg, Germany.
* Mar (1) Inside Madonna TV special premieres on MTV.
* (2) Madonna completes her European promotional tour for Ray Of Light in Madrid, Spain.
* (3) Ray Of Light CD and "Frozen" single are released.
* (6) Madonna visits Toronto, ON, Canada to promote Ray Of Light: she attends a press conference at The Sutton Place Hotel and is interviewed live at 6:00 pm on MuchMusic TV.
* (10) "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" wins Favorite Song From A Movie (Evita) at the 4th annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards at the Pantages Theatre, Los Angeles, CA.
* (13) Madonna guests and performs "Frozen" on NBC-TV's The Rosie O'Donnell Show.
* (15) Madonna attends the New York premiere of film Wide Awake (starring Rosie O'Donnell) at the Ziegfeld Theatre.
* (21) Ray Of Light hits US #2.
* (23) Madonna presents the Oscar for Best Original Song to James Horner and Will Jennings for "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic at the 70th annual Academy Awards at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA.
* (24) Evita is released on DVD.
* (25) Madonna begins filming "Ray Of Light" video in Los Angeles, CA and New York, NY, directed by Jonas Akerlund.
* Apr (1) Madonna attends the premiere of film Mercury Rising in Beverly Hills, CA.
* (4) Madonna presents the Kids' Choice Blimp Award for favorite movie to Titanic and introduces a live performance by Cleopatra at the 11th annual Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards at the UCLA Pauley Pavilion, Los Angeles, CA. "Frozen" hits US #2.
* (12) Madonna Rising TV special premieres on VH1.
* (22) Madonna attends the New York premiere party of film Two Girls And A Guy at the club Moomba. Ray Of Light is certified 2x platinum (2 million units).
* (27) Madonna performs "Frozen" with the East Harlem Violin Project at the 9th annual Rainforest Foundation Benefit Concert at Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, and also joins Elton John, Sting, James Taylor, Billy Joel, Herbie Hancock, Roberta Flack, Emmylou Harris and Joe Cocker in a rendition of The Beatles' "With A Little Help From My Friends" and "Twist & Shout".
* (28) Madonna attends the New York premiere of film Artemisia.
* (30) "Frozen" single is certified gold (500,000 units).
* May (8) Madonna is signed to co-star with Rupert Everett in Paramount Pictures film The Next Best Thing.
* (12) "Ray Of Light" video premieres on MTV.
* (18) "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" is honored as one of the Most Performed Songs Of 1997 at the 15th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, CA.
* (21) Like A Virgin is certified 10x platinum (10 million units).
* (29) Madonna guests on CBS-TV's The Oprah Winfrey Show: she performs "Ray Of Light" and "Little Star".
* Jun (23) "Ray Of Light" single and video single are released.
* (25) Madonna begins filming "Drowned World/Substitute For Love" video in London, England, directed by Walter Stern.
* (30) Madonna - BIOrhythm TV special premieres on MTV.
* Jul (1) Madonna and Lourdes attend a Spice Girls concert at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY.
* (7) Madonna is the centre of a controversy when The London Daily Mirror accuses her of exploiting the late Princess Diana's tragic death in "Drowned World/Substitute For Love" video; a spokeswoman for Madonna releases a statement explaining that the video has nothing to do with Princess Diana and her life or her death.
* (11) "Ray Of Light" hits US #5. "Ray Of Light" video single hits US #4 on Top Music Videos chart.
* (25) "Drowned World/Substitute For Love" video premieres in Europe. "Ray Of Light" wins Video Of The Year at the 1998 VH1 Viewer's Vote Awards.
* Aug (1) Madonna is named VH1's Artist Of The Month.
* (8) Madonna begins filming "The Power Of Good-Bye" video in Los Angeles, CA, directed by Matthew Rolston.
* (12) Madonna is interviewed on ABC TV's Entertainment Tonight.
* (14) Madonna wins Best International Act at the German VIVA Comet Media Awards at the Akropolis in Cologne, Germany.
* (16) Madonna celebrates her 40th birthday. Madonna: Behind The Music documentary premieres on VH1.
* (24) "Drowned World/Substitute For Love" is released as a UK single.
* (25) Madonna reads the poem "Bittersweet" on Deepak Chopra's 2-CD set A Gift Of Love - Deepak & Friends Present Music Inspired By The Love Poems Of Rumi.
* (31) Madonna is interviewed on the set of "The Power Of Good-Bye" video on ABC-TV's Entertainment Tonight.
* Sep (5) "Drowned World/Substitute For Love" hits UK #10.
* (10) Madonna performs "Shanti/Ashtangi" and "Ray Of Light" at the 15th annual MTV Video Music Awards at the Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA; "Ray Of Light" wins Best Video, Best Female Video, Best Direction, Best Choreography, Best Editing and "Frozen" wins Best Special Effects. "Ray Of Light" single is certified gold (500,000 units).
* (9,10) Madonna is featured in a 2-part interview on ABC-TV's Good Morning America.
* (11) "The Power Of Good-Bye" video premieres on MTV.
* (16) The World Vaishnava Association (WVA) condemns Madonna's performance of "Shanti/Ashtangi" at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sept 10 as sacrilegious in which she wore a holy facial marking and a see-through blouse. The New York Post announces that Madonna is dating 29-year-old British film director Guy Ritchie.
* (17) Madonna releases a statement against the WVA's criticism of her MTV performance: "The essence of purity and divinity is non-judgement� they should practice what they preach� if they're so pure, why are they watching MTV?"
* (24) Madonna accepts the Best International Video award for "Ray Of Light" via taped message at the 9th annual MuchMusic Video Awards at the Chumcity Building, Toronto, ON, Canada.
* (27) Madonna is guest of honor at the 14th annual AIDS Walk Los Angeles at Paramount Studios, Hollywood, CA.
* (28) Madonna narrates a chapter of "The Emperor's New Clothes" story on the Starbright Foundation benefit CD The Emperor's New Clothes: An All-Star Retelling Of The Classic Fairy Tale.
* (29) "The Power Of Good-Bye" single is released.
* Oct (15) Madonna is featured in book Ladies Home Journal's 100 Most Important Women Of The 21st Century.
* (21) Madonna presents the Man Of The Year Award to Sting at GQ's Men Of The Year Awards at Radio City Music Hall, New York.
* (22) "Borderline", "Papa Don't Preach", "True Blue" and "You Must Love Me" singles are certified gold (500,000 units).
* (23) Madonna performs "The Power Of Good-Bye" at the 4th annual VH1 Fashion Awards at the Theatre in Madison Square Garden, New York, NY; she is honored with the Gianni Versace Tribute Award and wins Most Fashionable Artist.
* (30) Madonna begins a European promotional tour for "The Power Of Good-Bye" single.
* Nov (1) Madonna makes a surprise appearance in London, England to present a lifetime achievement award to film director Alan Parker (Evita) at the Directors' Guild of Great Britain dinner in his honor on a boat on the River Thames.
* (7) Madonna performs "The Power Of Good-Bye" on Wetten Dass TV show in Linz, Austria.
* (9) Madonna is interviewed on NRJ Radio Show in Paris, France.
* (10) Madonna performs "The Power Of Good-Bye" and "Drowned World" on TF1's Les Années Tubes TV show in Paris, France.
* (12) Madonna performs "The Power Of Good-Bye" at the 5th annual MTV Europe Music Awards at the Fila Forum in Milan, Italy and wins 2 awards: Best Female and Best Album (Ray Of Light).
* (14) Madonna attends a press conference at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden - her first visit to Sweden in 8 years.
* (15) Madonna performs "The Power Of Good-Bye" and is interviewed on Luuk TV show in Stockholm, Sweden.
* (17) Madonna performs "The Power Of Good-Bye" and "Drowned World" on El Septimo De Caballeria TV show in Madrid, Spain.
* (19) Madonna performs "The Power Of Good-Bye" on BBC1-TV's Top Of The Pops in London, England.
* (20) Madonna is interviewed by Johnny Vaughan on his BBC-TV show in London, England.
* (28) "The Power Of Good-Bye" hits US #11.
* Dec (6) Madonna narrates "The Camel Dances" story on animated HBO-TV special Rosie O'Donnell's Kids Are Punny.
* (7) Madonna congratulates Tony Bennett on his 50th anniversary in show business via taped message during his A&E-TV special Tony Bennett - Live By Request: An All-Star Tribute.
* (9) Madonna attends the 9th annual Fire & Ice Ball at Universal Studios, Los Angeles, CA.
* (11) Ray Of Light is certified 3x platinum (3 million units).
* (26) Madonna wins 2 Billboard Music Awards: Top Dance Club Play Artist and Top Dance Club Play Single ("Ray Of Light").
* (30) In Denmark, Madonna and Ray Of Light are named the most popular artist and album of 1998.