czwartek, 21 sierpnia 2008


» 2004

* Jan (5) A public enquiry is ordered to settle a dispute between Madonna and ramblers seeking access on the property of her 1,200-acre Wiltshire estate; a spokesman for the Planning Inspectorate says the enquiry is ordered but no date is confirmed yet.
* (7) Madonna contributes a letter to her website urging people to follow her in supporting Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark.
* (8) Madonna sends a message live by via satellite to The Kabbalah Centre�s Spirituality For Kids ceremony in Tel Aviv, Israel.
* (13) Madonna/Britney Spears are #2 on Mr. Blackwell�s 44th annual list of the worst-dressed women of 2003.
* (16) Madonna attends Kate Moss� 30th birthday party at Claridge�s Hotel in London, England.
* (24) Madonna is presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by Britney Spears to commemorate her 20-year hits-filled career at the 5th annual NRJ Music Awards at the 38th MIDEM Music Conference at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France.
* Feb (7) �Nothing Fails (Remixes)� hits #1 on Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in US.

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